The book of Daniel is unique in the Bible. It shows how
God’s purposes prevail in the affairs of individuals and nations. The Sovereign
Lord exalts or brings down even Gentile kings and kingdoms. People have their
agenda, but God’s always overrules. Godly Daniel had one agenda and that was to
be pleasing to God at all cost.
King Nebuchadnezzar besieged Judah during the rule of Jehoiakim
and subjugated it. Three deportations of people from Judea to Babylon followed. First, Nebuchadnezzar took the
best of the people. He chose youth from the royalty and nobility to be trained
to serve in his court. The king’s agenda was all about his achievements and his
fame. But all this happened as God had predetermined, as early as during the
reign of Hezekiah in Judah .
(Isaiah 39:6, 7) Shortly before Judah ’s
captivity was over, Babylonian kingdom was overpowered as ordained by God. (Daniel
5:24- 28)
Daniel and his three friends were among those chosen for training
in Babylon . As
they were captives in this foreign land, their meaningful Israeli names were
changed to Babylonian names which incorporated the names of the local gods. These
young men did not offer any resistance to that. They were willing to go through
the required training and in order to serve the interests of the Babylonian
kingdom. But, they were determined about one thing. So, Daniel as their
spokesperson approached the authorities. “But Daniel made up his mind that he
would not defile himself with the king’s choice food or with the wine which he
drank; so he sought permission from the commander of the officials that he
might not defile himself.” As the commander hesitated, Daniel was persistent
and took the matter to the supervisor. Knowing his spiritual identity, Daniel
would not eat or drink anything that was clearly prohibited in the Law of God.
He would not consume food declared unclean by God or what was offered to idols.
He was willing to risk his life in order to live as one set apart for God. That
was Daniel’s uncompromising agenda.
Daniel 1 has many details to show how God’s agenda was above
1. God’s Will Was For Judah To Go Into Captivity:
“The Lord gave Jehoiakim the king of Judah into his (Nebuchadnezzar’s)
hands…..” Judah
was defeated and went into captivity only because God allowed it. No one could
defeat Israel
unless God withdrew His protection over them. Because they sinned and refused
to repent in spite of God’s warnings through the prophets, God sent His people
into captivity. Daniel was in exile in God’s will.
2. God’s Will Was For His People To Be Holy:
That was the clearly revealed will of God, though many did
not live by it. So, they paid the price for disobedience. But, Daniel had the God
given desire and grace to live a life of separation. He was determined to take
the necessary steps and God enabled him.
3. God Favored Daniel:
When Daniel made up his mind not to defile himself with the
Royal food and wine, he had to make a plea to the officials. “Now God granted
Daniel favor and compassion in the sight of the commander of the officials...”
God blessed Daniel in his effort to do the right thing.
4. God Nourished Daniel:
While the other youths were eating the best of what Babylon had to offer,
Daniel and his three friends lived on vegetables and water. Even after ten
days, they were fatter than the others. It is God who made the difference
because of their commitment to please Him.
5. God Equipped Daniel:
“As far as these four youths, God gave them knowledge and
intelligence in every branch of literature and wisdom; Daniel even understood
all kinds of visions and dreams.” God’s purpose was for Daniel to interpret the
visions and dreams of the gentile kings under whom he lived and served. God had
also chosen to reveal truths about the end times to Daniel through visions and
dreams. So, God gave him the required abilities, which the best Babylonian
training could not offer.
6. God Exalted Daniel:
“The king talked with them, and out of them all not one was
found like Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah, so they entered the king’s
personal service. As for every matter of wisdom and understanding about which
the king consulted them, he found them ten times better all the magicians and
conjurers who were in all his realm.” Thus, God Himself elevated Daniel to
positions next to the kings.
God’s purposes prevail always in all people.
Our agenda should line up with God’s.
Obedience to known God’s will is the key.
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