The Bible is God’s Word through which He has revealed
Himself to mankind. God chose to reveal Himself by His own initiative because
He is transcendent and unfathomable. He can not be known by human wisdom or effort.
God is Spirit and no one has seen Him. This
unique sovereign God of revelation has made known all that He wants people to know
about Him. The Bible is His full and final revelation.
God is revealed in the Bible as ‘Trinity’. This term is not found
in the Bible but the fact is clearly taught. Some prefer the term ‘Tri-unity’ in
speaking of this truth about God in the Bible. God is one Being eternally
existing as three Persons, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
The Son is a Messianic title and implies a metaphorical, unique, spiritual
relationship Christ has with the Father.
The God of the Bible is described as being omnipresent
(present everywhere), omniscient (all knowing) and omnipotent (all powerful).
This is true of each Person of the Godhead. There is no difference in their
worth or rank among them.
The Bible does not speak of three Gods as in polytheism,
where the gods are different in their being. They have influence over different
realms, have different degrees of power and have different characteristics. What
is taught about the Triune God in the Bible is very different. All three are of
the same essence and are co-equal. God who is spirit has no form. As one having
personhood, God exists in three Persons for fellowship. The Bible does not try to
explain this great mystery but it is to be received by faith.
There are references to ‘The Angel of the Lord’ in the Old
Testament called-- ‘Theophanies’. (Genesis 22:11-15; Exodus 3:2-4;
Numbers 22:22-38; Judges 6:11-23) They are understood as appearances of the
pre-incarnate Messiah/Christ.
Christ who is God became a man and He is ‘The Incarnation’. The
eternal God became Jesus of history in order to die as a substitute for
sinners. He did not cease to be God but laid aside His Divine prerogatives. As
true man, He became hungry, thirsty, tired and did not know the times that God
the Father knew.
The OLD TESTAMENT Scriptures supporting Trinity:
Deuteronomy 6:4 says, “Hear, O Israel! The LORD is our God,
the LORD is one!” Interestingly, the Hebrew word for one here means, one, as in
a cluster or a group.
In Genesis 1:26 we see, “Then God said, “Let us make man in
Our image, according to Our likeness…..”. First person plural pronoun is used.
In Genesis 1:1 where it says, “In the beginning God created
the heavens and the earth.” The word used for God here is ‘Elohim’, a word
unique to Hebrew thinking. It is the masculine plural for “El” which means God.
It does not mean gods, when it is used for the God of Israel. But it allows for
plurality within the Godhead.
Isaiah 6:8 says, “Then I heard the voice of the LORD,
saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” First person plural pronoun
is used.
The NEW TESTAMENT Scriptures teaching Trinity:
Matthew 3:16-17, “After being baptized, Jesus came up
immediately from the water; and behold the heavens were opened, and he saw the
Spirit of God descending as a dove and lighting upon Him, and behold a voice
out of heaven said, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”
Jesus says in Matthew 28:19 “Go therefore and make disciples
of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and
the Holy Spirit.”
Paul writes in II Corinthians 13:14, “The grace of the Lord
Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be
with you all.”
Jude says in Jude 20, 21, “……praying in the Holy Spirit,
keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting anxiously for the mercy of our Lord
Jesus Christ to eternal life.”
This doctrine though is a
mystery ought to be accepted in faith and humility.
Beware of teachings that exalt one Person of the Godhead over
the other in the Bible, as there is no rivalry or competition among them.
Reject all cults which deny the existence of Trinity as
found in the Bible and teach that God is just one Person.
As there are many subtle false teachings, here is a helpful
test. Does the teaching under question accept the identity of the three Persons
of the Godhead and the fact that they are co-equal and are of the same essence?